what can be maximum value of investment multiplier: What is investment multiplier and its value?

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This new investment curve II intersects the saving curve at point F and a new equilibrium is reached at the level of income OY2 A glance at Fig. 10.2 will reveal that the increase in income Y1 Y2 is greater than the increase in investment by II”. If as a result of the investment of Rs. 100 crores, the national income increases by Rs. 300 crores, multiplier is equal to 3. If as a result of investment of Rs. 100 crores, total national income increases by Rs. 400 crores, multiplier is 4.

As MPC is 0.80, the people spend 80% of the increase in income on consumption. This raises the income of the producers of consumer goods by ₹ 80 crores. If MPC is assumed to be 0.90, then recipients of this additional income will spend 90% of Rs 100 crores, i.e. Rs 90 crores as consumption expenditure and the remaining amount will be saved.


Most people sell these long-term credit instruments when in distress and in­cur capital losses. So such transactions are unlikely to raise society’s total consumption appreciably. Different types of invest­ment will have different multiplier effects. For exam­ple, extra defence spending is likely have a different effect from spending on house building because the MPCs of the recipients will vary widely. Moreover certain categories of investment spending will create a more favourable economic climate, thus bringing about more investment.

If the average worker has an MPC of 70%, that means they consume $0.70 out of every dollar they earn, on average. In practice, they might spend that $0.70 on items such as rent, gasoline, groceries, and entertainment. If that same worker has an MPS of 30%, that means they would save $0.30 out of every dollar earned, on average.

Unlike Static in Dynamic Multiplier, there exists a time lag during the process. The multiplication process takes place gradually over time, i.e. stage by stage, in various rounds. So, the imports and exports are not taken into consideration. Thereby, creating a loop of Investment, Expenditure, Consumption and Income. This chain of income and consumption continues, and the overall income goes on increasing.

In other words, the multiplier process will be weaker if society’s MPS is high. However, in reality, there exists a time lag between incomes received and consumption spending. Greater the time lag, lower will be the value of the multiplier because now change in income is not instantaneous. Once we introduce time lag in the process of income change, we get ‘dynamic multiplier’ as opposed to static multiplier.

What is investment multiplier? How is its value determined?

The term equity multiplier refers to a risk indicator that measures the portion of a company’s assets that is financed by shareholders’ equity rather than by debt. The equity multiplier is calculated by dividing a company’s total asset value by the total equity held in the company’s stock. A high equity multiplier indicates that a company is using a high amount of debt to finance its assets. A low equity multiplier means that the company has less reliance on debt.

This multiplier process will go on and the consumption expenditure in every round will be 0.90 times of the additional income received from the previous round. When investment is increased, it also increases the income of the people. People spend a part of this increased income on consumption. However, the amount of increased income spent on consumption depends on the value of MPC. For example, funding a project might raise interest rates, discouraging other investments or competing with other projects for labor. Consumption tends to be impacted more by increases in income, although the MPI does have an impact on the multiplier effect and also affects the slope of the aggregate expenditures function.

Investment Multiplier: An Important Contribution of Prof. J.M. Keynes

The extent of the what can be maximum value of investment multiplier multiplier depends on the decisions taken by households with respect to spending and saving. Here, the marginal propensity to consume, commonly referred to as MPC, plays an important role, which will be explored later. These Rs 25 crore will, thus, become the income for others. This will continue till total increase in income becomes k times the increment of investment. Consumption expenditure at equilibrium level of national income. Suppose, government invests Rs 100 crore in establishment of a fertilizer factory .The first impact of this new investment will be that the income of employees engaged in this factory will go up by Rs 100 crore.


If there is an output lag, i.e., if producers do not immediately increase output to meet an increase in total demand and allow their stocks of goods to run down, the multiplier effect will be partly lost. The same thing happens if there is consumption lag, i.e., if households who receive an increase in their income take time to adjust their consumption habits. It can be cal­culated for changes in the level of income in the past.

We calculate the value of Investment Multiplier by a ratio of change in National Income to the proportional changes in the Investment. It is affected by the Marginal Propensity to Consume and denoted by the alphabet ‘ k ‘. Investment Multiplier is the contribution of the famous economist John Keynes. He explained it with the help of the country’s investment and Gross Domestic Product . The accelerator effect of consumption on investment is ignored. This required fall in investment of Rs. 1250 crore is known as the inflationary gap.

Explain the income propagation process due to change in investment. Secondly, by estimating multipliers , it is possible to estimate the effectiveness of fiscal policy and monetary policy. Thirdly, the multiplier concept enables us to analyse cyclical fluctuations, its control and its forecasting. That is why it is said that this concept is a path-breaking one. The whole process goes on until Initial investment becomes equal to the total savings of all rounds.

Investment Multiplier: Definition, Logic and Assumptions

Then we calculate the number of times the income multiplied after each round due to the initial investment. There exists a direct relationship between investment multiplier and MPC. For this reason, the investment multiplier increases with the increase in the MPC. This, in its in turn, will lead to further multiplier process. That is, if investment like consumption depends on income or its change, the multiplier effect will be stronger. From this proposition Sir John Hicks developed the concept of super-multiplier.

To the extent we spend a certain portion of our new income on im­ported goods, money leaks out of the country. In other words, the value of imports peters out of the income-stream, thus limiting the value of the multi­plier. People often save money by keeping idle cash balances in banks. This idle money does not come into circulation and is unlikely to lead to an increase in consumption spend­ing. For realizing the full value of the multiplier it is not enough for gross in­vestment to be positive.

The value of the multiplier is in fact determined by the marginal propensity to consume. The larger its value, the greater is the value of the multiplier and vice versa. Thus, the investment multiplier is a direct function of the marginal propensity to consume . The process, however, is not endless as the whole of the increase in income is not consumed.

This investment raises income to the recipients of that investment spending. The increased income or output results in an increase in national income. While developing his theory of “invest­ment multiplier”, Keynes borrowed the concept from R.

The real output of the economy is limited to output at full employment, and spending multiplied past this point will simply raise prices—especially in the case of capital goods or financial assets. 10.4, where 55 is the saving curve with a slope equal to 0.5, and II is the planned investment curve. It will be seen that saving and investment curves intersect at point E and determine level of income equal to K, or Rs.300 crores.

  • This compensation may impact how and where listings appear.
  • When governments spend money, a chain of consumption and expenditure increases the total income many times its original investment.
  • In some cases, a low equity multiplier could actually indicate that the company cannot find willing lenders; or it could also signal that a company’s growth prospects are low.
  • Secondly, by estimating multipliers , it is possible to estimate the effectiveness of fiscal policy and monetary policy.
  • Therefore the value of the multiplier will be less than otherwise.

Investing in new and existing https://1investing.in/ is key to running a successful business. Companies finance the acquisition of assets by issuing equity or debt. In some cases, they resort to issuing a combination of both. As an investor, you may want to determine how much shareholders’ equity is being used to pay for and finance a company’s assets. Hence it was difficult to increase agricultural production in response to the increase in demand through the multiplier effect of increase in investment.

Relationship between Investment Multiplier and MPC (Marginal Propensity to consumer).

The multiplier is now in action and the economy recovers from the ‘Great Depression’. If firms decide to invest more, aggregate demand would now exceed aggregate supply or output. So, reduction in inventories would act as signal to firms to produce more. Obviously, output or national income would increase to the new equilibrium level.

During inflation money in­come may rise but real income falls. In other words, a major por­tion of increased money income will be neutralised by price inflation, instead of stimulating consumption and creating jobs and incomes in the process. The initial rise in expenditure is an example of a rise in injections. This will lead to an immediate in­crease in income by the same amount. But as income rises, a portion of income will be spent on consump­tion goods and the balance saved.

Money Supply Multiplier Effect

Like individuals, businesses must “consume” a significant portion of their income by paying for expenditures such as employees’ wages, facilities’ rents, and the leases and repairs of equipment. A typical company might consume 90% of its income on such payments, meaning that its MPS—the profits earned by its shareholders—would be only 10%. As you can see, this cycle can repeat itself through several iterations; what began as an investment in roads quickly multiplied into an economic stimulus benefiting workers across a wide range of industries.

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