Law Firm Bookkeeping, Accounting and RPC-Compliant IOLTA Trust Services

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Do your due diligence and make sure every dollar going into the trust account is supposed to be there. Just be sure to verify your exact responsibilities with the State Bar Association and/or a professional accountant. They have their own rules and regulations that vary depending on your jurisdiction. If you mismanage this account, you could face severe consequences, including disbarment. Your business operates as its own entity with its own credit rating.

If you’re trending behind, it is better to know sooner rather than later so you can react accordingly. With all the options available, we know it’s difficult to choose which software is the best choice for your firm. After all, you have to sift through the options alone, convince your partners to agree, and pray that it works as it should.

Best bookkeeping services for lawyers

Oftentimes this discrepancy is a result of being too quick in entering your numbers. This is why it is important to not rush or be overwhelmed with a pile of things that need to be entered. Bookkeeping is tedious, but it must be done with precision. Make sure to make entries correctly and double-check them as you go, in turn causing less hassle and time spent later on trying to undo the mess. As every business is different, your choice of the “right bank” depends on the nature of your practice, as well as how you prefer to handle your banking transactions.

The reality is that there is no scenario where it’s okay to use your IOLTA in this way. We don’t recommend building your business off the back of your credit card. The interest rates are high, limits are often lower than other forms of credit, and they’re easily mismanaged. After selecting your bank, you want to open the necessary accounts. Those are your business checking, savings, and IOLTA account.

Why it’s important to organize your law firm’s accounting and bookkeeping

We’ll dive more into the specifics of why you need a CPA later on in this piece, but trust us when we say hiring one will make your life much easier. Following the above three best practices allows you to optimize your finances. Your budget is a vital tool for keeping you in control of expenditure and making sure you’re not overspending.

With organized financial data, you can better identify opportunities to reduce your overhead, earn more money, and plan for the future. If you’re going to make an accounting error, it’ll likely be with your trust and IOLTA accounts. This data lets you pick and choose the best clients to work with, identify what expenses you have that might not be worth it, and make sure you handle client law firm bookkeeping services money appropriately. Whether you’re a solopreneur or run a firm with a hundred lawyers, knowing where every dollar is going will help you make better decisions for the firm’s health. You’ll also identify what areas of your firm (practice areas, types of clients, etc.) are most profitable. This way, you can focus on working with the kinds of clients that bring in the most money.

Errors in data entry

If you want your firm to stay compliant, be financially successful, and grow, you need to have an accurate and clear bookkeeping system for your law firm to follow. This could mean taking on bookkeeping tasks in-house or hiring a professional bookkeeper with experience working with law firms. Just as your clients rely on your expertise with the law, there comes a point when you need to call in accounting professionals. Whether it means using legal accounting software to simplify and automate your accounting, hiring a professional legal accountant, or both—don’t be afraid to delegate when you need to. Use software such as Clio Manage to help track your billable time, expenses and revenue. Additionally, keep your financial records in check by syncing to a system for accounting for law firms like QuickBooks Online.

law firm bookkeeper

If you’re confident that you can manage a business credit card properly (that is, pay off the total in each month), it’s an excellent tool to grow your business. Plus, if you want to outsource to accountants or legal bookkeepers, having a solid foundation will make it 10x easier. It’s easier to start your legal accounting strong than to fix sloppy accounting done in the past. Your COA will look different depending on your jurisdiction, law firm’s size, and practice area, but will always have these categories.

Keep thorough records

You can go with an accrual or cash accounting method in the US, and the difference is mostly about timing. While this primarily applies to new law firms, ensuring that the basics are determined and set up correctly is critical. Poor accounting practices, such as struggling to track billable hours or sending out invoices late, can lead to money leakage. The firm could face compliance issues, and their books will be inaccurate (skewing the value of any accounting data derived from them).

law firm bookkeeper

For bookkeeping purposes, ensure you’re only tracking transactions that occur within your law firm’s accounts. If for any reason you make a mistake (such as depositing a personal check in your business account), make sure to track it in your books. The advantages of legal accounting software multiply with today’s cloud-based solutions. Cloud-based accounting software for law firms also automatically gets updated and backed up, offering unparalleled, real-time insights into your firm’s financial data. The Bookkeeper will use the firm’s practice management system and accounting software to record transactions and prepare standard reports as directed by the owner or the CFO.

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