Chapter 3 Quiz Flashcards

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Managerial Accounting Ch. 3 Quiz Flashcards

Understand how each is calculated and find solved examples of each type of profit. Companies that carry a high level of fixed costs relative to variable costs are considered to have greater risk than companies with a high level of variable costs relative to fixed costs. Accounting profit is also reported to the IRS and is used in determining how much tax must be paid. Economic profit is used primarily by internal users when evaluating the decision, they made related to mutually exclusive projects. A mutually exclusive project is a term that describes the situation in which a firm only has enough resources to choose one alternative.

  • It is one of the most common metrics used to evaluate performance over a period of time.
  • The firm decides to calculate accounting profit for each investment decision.
  • Economic profits are most commonly used in determining if an investment is worth it or not.
  • Implicit costs are not costs that are incurred by the firm and reported on the financial statements.
  • However, since machine 2 only costs $50,000, they would have had an additional $50,000 to invest under this scenario.
  • Understanding managerial accounting is important for managers as it gives them a chance to understand how to see financial information to make informed decisions…

Economic profit can never exceed accounting profit. This is because accounting profit is equal to total revenues less total explicit costs and economic profit is total revenues less both explicit and implicit costs. After further analysis, management decided to use the economic profit to evaluate their decision.

Cost Management Ch 3

Accounting profit and economic profit are two measures companies use to evaluate performance. Accounting profit measures revenues after explicit costs, which is essentially the net income of a firm. It is one of the most common metrics used to evaluate performance over a period of time. On the other hand, Economic profit is a metric that measures both explicit and implicit costs. The firm decides to calculate accounting profit for each investment decision.

Managerial Accounting Ch. 3 Quiz Flashcards

The manufacturer’s accounting profit is $500. This is calculated by taking the total revenue of $1,000 and subtracting the total explicit costs of $500. Accounting profit and economic profit are two important measures when evaluating performance. Accounting profit is calculated by taking total revenues less total explicit costs. It is reported to the IRS and used for taxes.

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Machine 1 has an accounting profit of $50,000, but implicit costs of $50,000 due to the missed investment opportunity. Machine 2 has an economic profit of $25,000, which equals its accounting profit since the investment opportunity would have been taken.

What Are The Differences Between Accounting Profit And Economic Profit?

The firm expects it will sell 5,000 for a profit of $15 each. Eric Sottile has a bacholors degree in accounting from the University of Kentucky and a bachelors degree in finance from the University of Kentucky. Eric works for a public accounting firm and has passed his CPA exams with an average score of 94.

Managerial Accounting Ch. 3 Quiz Flashcards

Start a new page for an accounts payable ledger account for Newton Industries. The account number is 240, and the balance on September 1 of the current year is $\$2,489.90$. Start a new page for an accounts payable ledger account for Reston Corporation. The account number is 250, and the balance for September 1 of the current year is $\$3,047.40$. One assumption made when using CVP as a decision tool is that all costs can be easily and accurately separated into fixed and variable categories. When manufacturing overhead is over applied, the MOH account has a _ balance and applied MOH is greater than _ manufacturing over head. PR Company pays $10,000 in cash and issues stock with a fair value of $40,000 to acquire all of SX Corporation’s stock.

If the firm invests in machine 2, they can expect an accounting profit of $25,000. This is calculated by finding the product of the expected demand of 5,000 units and the $15 profit per unit, which equals $75,000, and subtracting the cost of the machine ($50,000). Since machine 1 produces a higher economic profit, it makes sense to invest in machine 1.

Flashcard Machine

Economic profit is calculated by taking total revenues and subtracting both explicit costs and implicit costs. Accounting profit is most referred to as net income. Accounting profit is seen most commonly on income statements. Explicit costs are the recognized costs incurred by the firm. The most common explicit costs are items such as the cost of goods sold, rent, interest expenses, utility expenses, marketing expenses, and depreciation expenses. For example, a small candle manufacturer manufactured and sold 100 candles for a total of $1,000. The total explicit costs incurred by the manufacturer are $500.

Accounting Chapter 3 Review Test Quiz We have just covered business statements and how to prepare them. The quiz below is designed to test your understanding of all we covered in the chapter. Understanding managerial accounting is important for managers as it gives them a chance to understand how to see financial information to make informed decisions… Uden Company Analytical Procedures Auditors perform analytical procedures in the planning phase of the audit program to identify significant or unusual items for further review and testing.

Financial Institutions Quiz 1 Flashcards _ Quizlet Pdf

On the breakeven graph, the point at which the total sales revenue line and the total cost line intersect is the breakeven point. The balance sheets for Federer Sports Apparel for 2019 and 2018 are presented below. Prepare a vertical analysis of the balance sheet data for 2019 and 2018. Express each amount as a percentage of total assets. Prepare a horizontal analysis for 2019 using 2018 as the base year. Securities are divided into debt and equity securities.

However, since machine 2 only costs $50,000, they would have had an additional $50,000 to invest under this scenario. Since the firm chose investment 1, they passed up on an investment opportunity that cost $50,000 and returned 100%. This missed investment opportunity cost the firm $50,000 in implicit costs. It is the profit shown on the income statement and is calculated by subtracting explicit costs from revenue. Learn what the differences between accounting profit and economic profit are.


Glamorous Sdc Case Study First of all, director of Glamorous Sdn. Bhd had called to MyPec to ask for the procedure on how to register a company . Income taxes do not affect break-even; taxes are based on before tax profit.

For example, one has $100 to invest in one of two projects. Since the individual doesn’t have enough money to invest in both opportunities, the lost profit from the project not chosen is an implicit cost and reduces the economic profit. Implicit costs are also known as opportunity costs since they are essentially the costs of missing out on an opportunity. Economic profits are most commonly used in determining if an investment is worth it or not. Accounting profit and economic profit are different performance measures used for different reasons and by different users. However, both are used as types of performance metrics.

  • For example, a lender looks at a company’s accounting profit to determine the likelihood of repayment.
  • Machine 1 costs $100,000 and manufacturers toy trucks.
  • Uden Company Analytical Procedures Auditors perform analytical procedures in the planning phase of the audit program to identify significant or unusual items for further review and testing.
  • The study of accounting principles as it relates to business combinations, segment and interim reporting, legal reorganizations, liquidations, and partnerships.
  • Securities are divided into debt and equity securities.

Accounting profit is used internally by management when evaluating performance but is mostly used by external users like creditors and investors. For example, a lender looks at a company’s accounting profit to determine the likelihood of repayment. Investors may look at this figure over time to evaluate if the company is worth investing Managerial Accounting Ch. 3 Quiz Flashcards in, holding, or selling. Accounting profit is also used to help calculate taxes. Operating leverage is the change in total variable costs relative to sales revenue. The study of accounting principles as it relates to business combinations, segment and interim reporting, legal reorganizations, liquidations, and partnerships.

PR Company pays $10,000 in cash and issues stock with a fair value of $40,000 to acquire all of SX Corporation’s stock. PR Company pays $5,000 in cash and issues stock with a fair value of $30,000 to acquire all of SX Corporation’s stock. PR Company pays $20,000 in cash and issues stock with a fair value of $50,000 to acquire all of SX Corporation’s stock. Accounting Quiz Answers Are duplicated invoices generated to the customers while purchase? Processes that need to be included in risk based audit 1. A company’s margin of safety is the difference between current sales and breakeven sales.

Economic profit is a metric most commonly used internally when evaluating investment decisions. Where accounting profit is total revenues less total explicit costs, economic profit goes a step further by subtracting both implicit and explicit costs. Implicit costs are the revenues that were lost because one accepted one project and not another. Implicit costs are not costs that are incurred by the firm and reported on the financial statements. Implicit costs are the primary result of resource constraints.

Accounting profit is mainly used by investors and creditors. Economic profit on the other hand is calculated by taking total revenues and subtracting both explicit and implicit costs. Implicit costs, also known as opportunity costs, are the costs related to the gain from not choosing an alternative. For example, if you choose one job over another, the potential wages from the alternative decision are implicit costs. Economic profit is mostly used to judge if an investment or decision is worth it or not.

At the breakeven point, sales revenue is exactly equal to total costs, and there is no profit or loss. A toy manufacturer is trying to decide on which machine to invest in. Machine 1 costs $100,000 and manufacturers toy trucks. The firm estimates that it will sell 10,000 toy trucks for a $15 profit each. The machine has the capacity to manufacture the expected demand. Machine 2 manufactures toy dolls and costs $50,000.

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Trading in securities is one form of investment that guarantees maximum profits when properly placed. Accounts payable ledger forms are given in the Working Papers.

If the firm invests in machine 1, they can expect an accounting profit of $50,000. This is calculated by finding the product of the expected demand of 10,000 units and the $15 profit per unit, which equals $150,000, and subtracting the cost of the machine ($100,000). Accounting profit is calculated by taking all revenues less all explicit costs. Explicit costs are all costs incurred that show up on the income statement.

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